My Anchor Holds

Today I worked with Signature again. We're building a team challenge course. In the mud. We've gotten our machines stuck an embarrassing amount of times. It's been raining many days, and all of us workers are betting that there used to be a septic tank right where we park the machines and store the tools, and slosh through ankle deep mud. Gross. 

Yesterday we sunk anchors for for the guy cables. Guys are those cables you might notice coming down from  towers and poles. Their purpose is to provide stability for a structure, so when the wind blows, or the tower is stood upon--and it rocks, the guys hold it in place. 

Using a skid steer, we screwed these six foot steel anchors into the ground. (This is not the actual machine--we were deep in the woods and mud valiantly fighting off mosquitoes and man-eating vines)

We drove 8 anchors in for one side of the course. Today, I attached cable to the anchors, and my fellow workers attached the cable to the structure. I then tightened all eight cables. Tight. 

This is not the course we're building, but it's the same scale, and the same idea.

The very simple truth is that if you try and put course up like this without guys, it will fall to the ground. If the guy anchors aren't properly sunk, the tower will fall. If the soil is not the right composition, the anchors will pull out and the tower will fall. 

Whenever I think of anchors, I think of being rightly rooted in Christ and in the word of God.

When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

If not standing on Christ, all of my endeavors in anything I do might possibly fail, and will certainly not have lasting impact. The tower will just topple over. And someone may put in another septic tank.

We've had a pretty crazy past two years. And yet I feel God's peace now than ever before. Because He's been my anchor. And strength and security is in the anchor. 
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

Love that.


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