My Prayer for 2020


Each new year feels in some way like a fresh start, giving the option of a second chance at something failed. I think perhaps that is why New Year’s resolutions are made.
I have a few personal resolutions of my own, but instead of sharing those, I thought I’d share some specific prayers I will be praying for me and for the whole flock of God around the world. I thought I would share in case you echo them, and we can together lift our voices. Fight the good fight, running the race, all for the King.

Lord, help us be learners, not leaders.
Our churches, businesses, ministries, and communities are saturated with people trying to raise up an enterprise in the name of Jesus. But often these degrade into human endeavors in search of personal success. O, the shame – O, the tears. Look on your people with mercy, and teach us your ways which are not like ours. May we count all gains and successes as loss for the sake of knowing you. May we shun the praise and applause and opt instead for sharing in sufferings with Christ Jesus. Open our eyes to our human endeavors we think are divine, and give us eyes to see where you are at work, that in some small way we throw our frail human shoulders into the load that you are already carrying - not because you need our help in any way, but because it is what you created us to do.

May we be lovers of your word!
Too often we think we know enough, Father. That because your Spirit indwells us, we have all we need. But throughout the corridors of time, your people have been devoted to your learning and studying words in the Scriptures, that they might honor and obey you all the more, O King. Because we love you, we love the words you have spoken and treasure them. Let them be the center of our thoughts throughout the day, in reading, speaking, singing, and memorization. May we too, like the saints of old, like Jesus himself, be a People of the Book. We ask your mercy and forgiveness for every misuse, every time we twist your words as if we ourselves are speaking them. Let your Scriptures inform and critique our doctrine and our singing, and not the other way around. Give us eyes to see and humility to be corrected, admonished, and rebuked and brought to the end of ourselves – to poorness of spirit.

Would you raise up men and women who are willing to give up their personal rights and agendas for you and your kingdom?
We live in a world that demands that we demand our rights. But you have told us that we find life in giving it away and that we find freedom in giving up our freedom. Lord, you see how filled with pride we really are, how our interests always seem to sneak into first place. Too often we find ourselves wanting to be the center of the change. Even as I write this, O Lord, I want the ‘likes’ and the nods of agreement. Kill this at the root. Cut off my ties to self and cauterize my fear of what others think so as to speak and act boldly without regard to what others think. Cut off my need for comfort, break off my need to be heard, stifle my need to make a difference. Rather, help me give up all things I think I deserve. Kill the idea of personal rights. And raise up other people all around, that we feel neither lonely nor elite. But if the feeling of loneliness is the cost of giving up rights, then help me embrace it with courage and faith. Help me rejoice not because of success nor significance of my work, but because my name is written in the book of life.

All for the honor of Christ.



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