Piggy Bank

Jonathan and I had an open house this past weekend. Maybe the timing was wrong or the location was too far--- regardless, we had very poor attendance. Being a very positive person, this was what threw me into the ocean of reality. However,  God is very intentional, so we started thinking about a different direction God would have us take in getting to Costa Rica.

Considering we live in a college town... 
God has put us in this location, home of Miami University, for a specific reason. I believe one of the reasons is to help students understand stewardship. Maybe God is wanting us to ask for support not from established individuals but from the poor, college student who can only give up a coffee a week.

I just finished Andy Stanley's Fields of Gold. The book does a wonderful job of addressing stewardship and what prevents us from giving. Fear is the reason Andy suggests why we don't give back to God. We're afraid that when it comes down to it we won't have enough. Or when it comes time to give, we have nothing left. We ask what will we eat? What will we wear? Doesn't Jesus address this concern in the Beatitudes? See Matthew 5 to address those fears. I could say a lot more about what I learned, and maybe I should later in its own post.

Anyways, I believe God wants us to take the opportunity to challenge students to cast off their fear of giving and trust God to provide. It's His money anyways. He doesn't need our money to get what He wants done, but He allows us the chance to join His work-- to be a part of His plan. It will be a much longer process if we're talking about $10 a month from students. However, if God is able to use us to direct them to be good stewards, then the gain is so much more!

P.S. The picture of Patrick was to make people view the post


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