Loving God Through Transitions

Are you in transition of any sort? Is the Spirit leading you to a new place, in or out of a relationship, starting or leaving a job, starting of finishing school, having a child or losing a loved one? If you followed our blog over the last year and a half, you know that we are well versed in transition. To sum it up, it looks something like this:

12/09 Finish School
1/10 Jonathan to Ecuador for 6 wks
2/10 We got married
3/10 Back to Ecuador for Maggie's internship
5/10 Back to the US, start temporary jobs
6/10 Move to GA for a month, work on my father-in-laws campaign, Find out we're pregnant
7/10 Back to Ohio, start training for new job w. University
2/11 Patrick born, my grandmother has a stroke, my mom comes back to the US
3/11 Sense that God is leading us out, start application with the mission
5/11 Move out of duplex, not sure how long missions application will take--live with friends
8/11 Travel to Costa Rica--accepted as youth leaders by AMCA
9/11 Move into appartment, my grandmother moves into nursing home
10/11 accepted with Reach Global, begin support raising (how in the world do we do that?!?)
2/12 Move out of apartment, back in with friends. On the road 2 week/mo
6/12 spend a month in GA
7/12 Travel to Ohio and MI for the month
8/12 Move to GA
Currently: looking for part time work while raising support for the mission field.

As we sensed the Lord leading us to Costa Rica, we threw ourselves into going to Costa Rica with all that we had. It still is our goal, and we work at it to the best of our abilities. But something changed between then and now. In the midst of all of the support raising and traveling, we realized that this had become first goal and focus in life: we must get to Costa Rica! The Spirit has revealed, and the students need further discipling.

How, in all of our desire to follow God and pour our lives out for the Gospel we somehow forgot the essence of being a Christian. Love God with everything; and Love people.

Transitions are distracting because we find ourselves looking at where we're going, or where we came from. It's easy to mourn the past, or be excited about the future. And those are both right to do. Just don't let them cloud your sight of what it means to be a Christian. Your primary goal as a follower of Christ is to love our God, and love those around us. Wherever you are now. Not just where you are going, or where you came from.

May we be doers, and not only hearers.


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