2 Years

It's strange to think that we started the journey to go to Cost Rica 2 years ago. 
Two years ago we started seriously praying about applying to work with the AMCA youth group.
We were out of school just over a year, married 11 months, Patrick wasn't born yet, and we were living a cute duplex with a roof shaped like that of a caboose. 
And then we prayed.
We left promising jobs. Sold our stuff. Moved in with friends (and later family). 
Two years is a long time when it's 2/3rds of your life outside of school. Where does the time go?
Two years spent trying to live a dream that was given to me and has become my own. 
Of those 24 months, we've lived in our own place for 8. Newly married with a child.
What were we thinking? Has it been worth it?
Heck Yeah


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary, Jonathan and Maggie! Let's go ahead and book a reservation at a Costa Rican restaurant to celebrate your 3rd anniversary next year!

    Keep it up. We look forward to seeing you soon.


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